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home office - Karriere Killer?

For many people, working from home means more quality of life. But the home office is under pressure: More and more companies want their employees to come back to the office. Most rely on voluntary incentives. But if they do not make a breakthrough, the realization matures: if you are too rare, you will not be promoted.

So now even SAP: Even the software giant wants to see its people more often in the office. The DAX group is considered a pioneer in the flexibility of work-the 110,000 employees can generally work from anywhere. But with this brilliant flexibility promise, it is now one thing. People may get more into the office again. The board has announced the initiative "I'm in", in German: "I am there". There is no compulsion to get back to the office, but the group management promotes a “stronger relationship in the company” and creates opportunities for personal contact.

The right mix of mobile work and presence comes about. This is how it sees the majority of the German economy: if you can work at home, you don't go to the office for five days a week, nor do you or she or her in your own four walls. What psychologists have been saying for a long time now depends on work reality: personal encounter is needed for optimal cooperation, digital collegiality is only half worth.

But what the mix looks like is currently being discussed with heated. More and more companies lure their people into the offices. There are new rules for the hybrid world of work, chic offices and amenities that used to be known from Googleund Co. Companies offer apps that can be used to book jobs or meet. The way to the office does not serve to write emails, but the encounter. Design thinking workshops, strategy consultations or the random meeting with people from other departments to get new ideas.

digital competitiveness

Switzerland has reached fifth place in the “IMD World Digital Competitiveness Ranking” by the Institute for Management Development (IMD)....

too few women in MINT professions

The Eastern Swiss University of Applied Sciences is conducting a research project to address the problem of the low proportion of women...


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